The documentary Station 15, directed by Kira Akerman, follows Chasity Hunter -- then a high school student -- as she learns about water infrastructure in New Orleans.
Hunter is becoming an informal ambassador for the city around water management and climate change. Last month, she represented New Orleans with a panel of other students from around the country as part of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco -- where activists called on politicians to do more about climate change.
WWNO’s Travis Lux spoke with Hunter about her experience at the Summit, and her investigation of New Orleans water infrastructure.
Chasity Hunter is featured in a second documentary by Akerman, The Arrest, about her experience with the New Orleans criminal justice system, which will be screened at the New Orleans Film Festival this weekend.
An earlier version of this post incorrectly spelled Kira Akerman's name, and has been updated.
Support for the Coastal Desk comes from the Walton Family Foundation, the Greater New Orleans Foundation, the Foundation for Louisiana, and local listeners.