KaTrina Chantelle Griffin will represent Algiers and parts of the Marigny, Bywater and French Quarter on New Orleans' school board, while the other seat up for grabs heads to a runoff.
The board's seven spots were up for re-election, but only two races were contested. All of the candidates were Democrats.
Griffin, who a pro-charter school group backed, beat Donaldo Batiste with 60% of the vote. She fundraised over $63,000, nearly three times as much as Batiste.
While she has allies who oppose the district's decision to run a school itself, something Batiste strongly supported, Griffin told the Times-Picayune/Advocate her focus is on school quality.
"I don't care if you're district-run or charter-run," she said. "I support good schools, and we need more — it's just that simple."
Griffin works as an accountant and volunteers with several groups. She has two children who graduated from New Orleans public schools.
No candidate received more than 50% of the vote for the other seat, representing Gentilly, New Orleans East and the Upper 9th Ward.
Eric "Doc" Jones received 44%, followed by Gabriela Biro with 30%. The two will be on the ballot again on Dec. 7. The winner will replace Ethan Ashley, who is not seeking re-election.
Chan Tucker, an Entergy executive, received 26% of the vote. The same pro-charter group backed him as Griffin, and he out-fundraised his opponents.
Both Jones and Biro support the city's new direct-run school and have suggested they hope it's the start of something new.