Layoffs began at The Times-Picayune today, as the newspaper shifts from a seven-day-a-week printed product to an online news organization.
Employees were informed individually throughout the day whether or not they would remain with the paper as it begins its transition. In total, 84 of the 173 newsroom employees were let go, according to the Times-Picayune.
201 total employees are set to lose their jobs, according to the paper.
"We will become a digitally-focused news operation," said Times-Picayune editor Jim Amoss, in a video released earlier this afternoon.
"My priorities are to cover the news of the New Orleans area," Amoss said. "To have the best reporters investigate and explain the complexities of this politically Byzantine community, and to write about our culture, our food, our music, our sports mania"
The full video:
"Everyone was just in small groups, talking and laughing quietly," said Ryan Smith, a Pulitzer-nominated graphic artist for the Times-Picayune who was informed he would be laid off today. "It was kind of like a funeral."
Stories about today's layoffs at The Times-Picayune:
The Nation: Rolling the Dice at the 'Times-Picayune' by Jason Berry
Poynter.: Layoffs under way at Times-Picayune, Advance's Alabama papers by Steve Myers
The Wall Street Journal: New Orleans Clamors for Its Paper: Civic Leaders Explore Media Alternatives, but Urge Publisher to Keep the Times-Picayune as a Daily by Cameron McWhirter
The Washington Post: Times-Picayune food critic says Nieman Fellowship prompted his layoff by Erik Wemple
WWL-TV: 'I think they've torn apart an institution'
The Gambit: The axe prepares to fall at The Times-Picayune by Kevin Allman
The Times-Picayune: Times-Picayune lays off nearly one-third of its staff by Jaquetta White
The New York Times: Audio: Veteran Times-Picayune Reporter on How Staff Heard the News by David Carr
The New York Times: Big Staff Reductions Imposed at Papers in New Orleans and Alabama by Campbell Robertson
New Orleans CityBusiness: Times-Pic reader reaction reveals news value by Greg LaRose
Save the Picayune: A round-up of articles and links on this community group's Facebook page