Susan Larson talks with James Gill and Howard Hunter about their new book, “Tearing Down the Lost Cause: The Removal of New Orleans's Confederate Statues.”
Here’s what’s on tap in the literary life this week
Here in New Orleans:
Casey McQuiston appears in a virtual presentation for her new book, “One Last Stop,” Friday, June 18, at 6 p.m. Info at
Alex Jennings is the guest for Garden District Book Shop’s virtual happy hour, Monday, June 21, at 5 p.m. on Facebook Live.
The Garden District Book Shop and The Broad Theater host an evening celebrating the national release of the book Deep Delta Justice by Matthew Van Meter and the documentary feature “A Crime on the Bayou” from Shout! Studios on Monday, June 21. Matthew Van Meter signs his book from 6-7; screening begins at 7. Tickets available at
James Gill and Howard Hunter discuss and sign “Tearing Down the Lost Cause: The Removal of New Orleans's Confederate Statues,” Tuesday, June 22, from 6-7 p.m. at Octavia Books.
Ashley Oliphant and Beth Yarbrough discuss and sign “Jean Lafitte Revealed,” Thursday, June 24, at 6 p.m. at Octavia Books.
Mark F. Bielski discusses and signs “A Mortal Blow to the Confederacy: The Rise and Fall of New Orleans, 1862,” Thursday, June 24, at 6 Garden District Book Shop. This is a ticketed event.
One Book One New Orleans has narrowed down the short list for 2022, and readers are invited to vote for their selections by July 25. The choices are "I Am New Orleans," edited by Kalamu ya Salaam; "The Big Door Prize," by M.O. Walsh; and "I Feel to Believe," by Jarvis DeBerry. Check out the One Book One New Orleans Facebook page.