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Out To Lunch
Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. and Fridays at 6:30 p.m.

Out To Lunch is a New Orleans business podcast and radio show that finds economist and Tulane finance professor Peter Ricchiuti conducting business New Orleans style: over lunch. Usually at Commander’s Palace and sometimes at the more casual NOLA Pizza in the NOLA Brewing Taproom.
In his 10th year in the host seat, Ricchiuti’s learned but uniquely NOLA informal perspective has established Out to Lunch as the voice of Crescent City business.

The complete archive of Out to Lunch shows can be found here.

Keep up with Out to Lunch on Facebook and Instagram.

Latest Episodes
  • While sports fans flock to New Orleans for the Superbowl and Final Four, locals play more mini golf than anyone in the US
  • Dr Trivia Frazer invented "fat on a chip" a revolutionary medical drug testing protocol. Claire Steiner's Clairly Vegan delivers vegan meals
  • Accruing wealth through home ownership only works if you can afford to buy a house and maintain it. In this episode of Out to Lunch, ways to make NOLA home ownership more affordable.
  • New Orleans authors Adam Bryant and Jim Gabour regale Peter Ricchiuti with tales of CEO's, cats, musicians, and pot on Out to Lunch
  • New Orleans businesses Esplanade Studios and Lamara Coffee and Kitchen are the definitions of labor of love
  • We do things our own way here in New Orleans, even universal activities like business consulting and shopping. It's NOLA Style
  • Every big business started out small. To compete, small businesses can take advantage of out-sourced departments like finance and research
  • Although the pursuit of happiness is individual, there are two things most of us agree make us happy. Love. And Ice cream.
  • Most tea comes from India but there's also a tea farm in Mississippi. We drink a lot of wine In New Orleans but we don't make a lot of it, except for the Ole Orleans winery in Central City.
  • The U.S. Marshals office in New Orleans is getting its hand sanitizer from what just one month ago would have seemed an extremely unlikely source: a local…