This week on Le Show, Harry presents News of the Warm, News of the Godly, It's a Smart World, Apologies of the Week, and more!
Looking to attract federal money, Louisiana will partner with two other states — Arkansas and Oklahoma — to form a regional hub in developing “clean hydrogen,” the Governor’s Office announced Thursday.
Life in Louisiana will only get wetter, hotter and more humid in the coming decades, according to the latest international warning on climate change. And the extreme weather will be more than just uncomfortable — it will be deadly, and already is.
The goal of the 2016 Paris Climate agreement is to limit global warming to less than two degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels. While President…
According to a new report, more than 40,000 Louisiana homes and 99,00 Louisiana residents are at risk of chronic flooding due to rising seas in the next…
Most also believe the United States should play a significant role in addressing climate change.