Sales fell last year, but low inventory is keeping prices high.
WWNO.org is taking a look back at the news stories that grabbed our readers' attention this year. Check out our top 10 most-read articles.
The charter amendment will result in an influx of $17 million annually for new affordable housing development and maintenance.
The mostly Native American community of Isle de Jean Charles made international headlines when it underwent a first-of-its-kind resettlement program due to coastal land loss and other climate change impacts. Now that residents have relocated, the state is focused on helping them stay there. But after hearing its sustainability plan at a recent meeting, residents expressed frustration over the new homes they received from the state.
Affordable housing is getting harder to find in New Orleans, and city leaders want to put millions in taxpayer dollars toward solving the issue.
It used to fight fires. Now, it’s fighting rising rents.
The federal government says new safety standards and building materials mean home buyers priced out of site-built houses have viable options. As storms become stronger and more frequent, experts are tempering expectations.
Eight of the people that died in New Orleans following Ida were residents of independent-living apartments for seniors — the sites of some of the most brutal scenes following the storm.
The measure, passed on Thursday (April 6), means that all existing residential permits will sunset at the end of August – regardless of the expiration date stated on the permit.
The city of New Orleans is in the midst of an unusual budget dilemma. It has more money than it can spend, and officials say that’s a problem.