None of it was possible just two years ago at this New Orleans East location.
Since 1985, Project Lazarus has provided housing for individuals in New Orleans living with HIV and AIDS. When asked to describe the organization in one…
Louisiana Appleseed recruits professionals to donate pro bono time to solve problems at their root cause. Their goal is to advance social justice by…
The head of the federal agency for volunteering and service says Hurricane Katrina created new ways of thinking about disaster response for volunteer...
The mission of New Orleans Fatherhood Consortium is to develop comprehensive social supports, programs, public awareness, and policies that will assist…
New Orleanians have always found ways to transform the mundane into something a little more festive and lively. Atop the list of monotonous things in this…
A new report from the Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations (LANO) compiled salary and benefit ranges for more than 100 nonprofit jobs in the...
Though we usually talk about going into business, on this week’s show Peter talks to two women who got out of business.Kendra Jones Morris walked away…
A new farm in City Park is making more fresh vegetables available for communities, while some important skills and values are taking root for the teens…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/wwno/local-wwno-996774.mp3"Place-based initiatives" is a big buzz phrase in philanthropy circles these…