WWNO's HASH TAG/TAG LINE contest featuring all NEW buttons. These buttons will look great on you. Come and get one at Culture Collision 6 on August 27!
What makes you turn to 89.9? We want to know. AND we want you to share that reason in a tweet... in the form of a tag-line or a photo. Too hard? Not at all!
How to play WWNO's HASH TAG/TAG LINE contest:
1. Write your tag-line or take a photo of your brand new button and share on social media — we'll be checking Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Membership Director Janet will pick out the ones she likes and you'll get to hear them read on air and reposted if they are photos — and some of you will win a SIGNED TRAVEL MUG!
2. Include #WWNO in every post AND if you are featuring one of our great on-air folks, include their hashtag too: #Diane899, #Jack899, #Eve899, #Farrar899

Here are some examples:
Here you are enjoying your morning with Diane: I take my coffee with cream, sugar and Morning Edition on WWNO. #Diane899 #WWNO
You just finished listening to another inspiring news story by Eve: For local news delivered with an inside voice. #Eve899 #WWNO
You've just got home and are smiling because of something Jack said: Because the news can be both informative and charming. #Jack899 #WWNO
You're mid-day news and Classical music host is the one and only Farrar: Classical music with a classic bass/baritone. #Farrar899 #WWNO
Because we like to really cover the issue... here are even more samples!
- Diane Mack's voice > any alarm clock sound ever. #Diane899 #WWNO #MorningEdition
- Long live News, Culture, Jazz and Bow ties. #Jack899 #WWNO
- Here's to helping up my conversation game at the next party. #Eve899 #WWNO
- Radio On to Keep Calm. #WWNO
It's that simple!!
Find your favorite, print it out, snap a pic and share with us!

Contest ends September 30.