Climate-smart agriculture is getting a “once-in-a-generation” investment of $20 billion. Louisiana farmers show what a successful rollout could look like.
A Louisiana lawmaker has proposed legislation that would position the state to receive nearly $200 million in federal funding to fix abandoned oil and gas wells.
A slowed rollout to federal aid, tedious applications and non-cooperative landlords are just some of the issues renters are now facing a few months after the CDC’s eviction moratorium ended.
New data shows about $910 million meant to prevent evictions had yet to be used by the end of September in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
The 2020 US Census kicks off March 12, and New Orleans officials hope to improve on 2010's low response rate.The Census only takes place once every…
Four Louisiana law enforcement agencies will get federal money to rehire community policing officers or to hire military veterans for new positions. The…