This newscast is updated weekdays at 6am, 9am, noon, 3pm, and 6pm.
Feb 11 Tuesday
The Moth StorySLAM is an open-mic storytelling competition in which anyone can share a true, personal, 5-minute story on the night's theme. Sign up for a chance to tell a story or sit back and enjoy the show! Tonight’s theme is…
LOVE HURTS: Prepare a five-minute tale about a love that made you go OUCH. The agony of deferred love! The misery of good love, gone bad! The anguish of one-way love! Bring stories of your heart, kicked to the curb by the people or places or things you love...or used to love. Love that "Hurts So Good" also welcome.
🎟️ Student ticket prices available: Use your student email address to purchase your ticket and receive a special student rate of $12.50! 🎟️
More information HERE
Apr 08 Tuesday
BLOOM: Prepare a five-minute story about growth. Rising from the concrete or blossoming late in life tell us about the journey to reach your full potential. From peaking early to flourishing after years of careful nurturing, bring us stories of new beginnings, perseverance, and those moments when everything finally came to fruition. April showers bring May flowers, but the path to blooming is rarely straightforward.
Jun 10 Tuesday
HOSPITALITY: Cook up a five-minute story about the beauty and occasional chaos of saying, “Come on in.” Early mornings, late nights, clopening, or back-to-back doubles. Serving your crushtomer or the dread of the house guest that overstayed their welcome. Standing for 8 hours, remembering to smile, and only sometimes crying in the walk-in. Testing mettle and memory. Can I speak to the manager?