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Public Information

As part of our commitment to honoring Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) requirements and maintaining a transparent operation, New Orleans Public Radio makes accessible documents and information regarding finances, management and more.

If you have questions or are looking for more information, please call 504-280-7000.

Diversity Policy

New Orleans Public Radio - WWNO is committed to ensuring that its workforce and governing boards reflect the diversity found in the communities it serves. Central to WWNO’s mission, vision and values is maintaining a governing and workplace environment that recognizes and celebrates the power of diversity. WWNO strives to create and foster a supportive environment in which all individuals can be successful and reach their full potential within the organization.

WWNO seeks a diverse workforce and governing body through distinct personalities and capabilities of each individual within the group. On a personal level, the diversity of an individual is defined by his or her cultural and personal differences, as well as life and professional experiences.

WWNO believes that diversity considerations extend beyond race and gender. The spectrum of diversity also includes disability, religious belief, age, culture, sexual orientation, physicality, education and socioeconomic status.

WWNO is an equal opportunity employer and will attempt to recruit a diverse workforce and explicitly forbid discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability and marital status.

Donor/Member Privacy Policy

The support from our individual members and donors is critical to fulfilling WWNO’s mission of community service. WWNO conducts our fundraising in compliance with nationally established guidelines while ensuring that our members’ trust and faith in us is deserved.

WWNO maintains lists of names, addresses, giving history, programming interests, and other pertinent data for those who have supported us financially or have otherwise indicated an interest in our organization's programming or activities.

WWNO does not sell or exchange its member or donor lists with any other organization.

On occasion, WWNO provides its list to vendors who conduct work or an activity for WWNO. WWNO requires all vendors to maintain the confidentiality of WWNO’S files and confidential information and to adhere to a policy of not exchanging, selling or otherwise disclosing the organization's member, donor and underwriter lists.

WWNO will adhere to all federal, state and local laws.

WWNO is required to disclose the identity of all donors who provide direct funding for any program produced by WWNO. WWNO may publish a list of members and donors (for example, as part of our annual report.) This listing may indicate a monetary range into which each member or donor's gift falls. If you wish to be excluded from any such listing, contact us at membership@wwno.org.

WWNO will also comply with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting guidelines for list activities. These guidelines require WWNO to annually certify compliance with laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service regarding tax-exempt status, and with all federal laws and regulations governing political activity and lobbying.

WWNO will not rent or purchase any mailing list that is politically affiliated including, but not limited to, political organizations, campaigns and committees.

WWNO Policy Prohibiting Sale to Political Candidates

WWNO does not sell commercial time of any kind, including time for candidates for public office, and does not sell, rent, give or exchange a member or donor name to, with or from any candidate for public office, committees or organizations supporting a candidate, political parties, or organizations that solicit funds for use in political campaigns for any purpose.

WWNO CSG Fund Policy

It is WWNO’s policy to expend Community Service Grant (CSG) funds in accordance with the requirements of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and generally accepted accounting principles. Under current CPB policy, WWNO can use CSG funds for one of seven categories of expenses:

1. Programming and Production;
2. Broadcasting, Transmission and Distribution;
3. Program Information and Promotion;
4. Fundraising and Membership Development;
5. Underwriting and Grant Solicitation;
6. Management and General; and
7. Purchase, Rehabilitation or Improvement of Capital Assets.

This policy applies to all WWNO staff and board members who may oversee, expend or account for WWNO’S CSG funds.

Community Representation Statement

Latest EEO Report

Audited Financial Reports and Station Activity Surveys