A New Orleans woman is cooking dinner in her kitchen, when a raccoon enters through the doggy door. This is not the first time the raccoon has done this, and the woman has had enough. She picks up the phone to call… who? The city? The animal shelter? Pest control?
Who to call about an animal issue depends on where you live, what kind of animal it is, and whether it’s alive or deceased.
To report stray domesticated animals like dogs or cats, or to report suspected neglect or cruelty, contact your local animal control department. In Orleans Parish, that’s the Louisiana SPCA.
For wildlife such as coyotes, raccoons, possums, birds, snakes, foxes, or even alligators, contact the State Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
For cleanup and disposal of deceased animals, contact your town’s sanitation department.
Click here to find a list of animal control and animal welfare organizations in Southeast Louisiana.