The Union of Concerned Scientists recently released a report highlighting the risks that flooding poses to infrastructure in the US. And Louisiana is no stranger to flooding-related disasters.
The Coastal Desk’s Eva Tesfaye spoke with UCS’s policy director Rachel Cleetus to learn what this report tells us about heightened flooding risks to disadvantaged communities.
The Historic New Orleans Collection recently unveiled a new exhibit featuring portraits of unidentified people. Called, “Unknown Sitters,” the exhibition showcases 26 portraits of unknown New Orleans area residents whose names have been lost or forgotten over time.
Curator of Decorative Arts Lydia Blackmore tells us more about this exhibition and how audiences are creating their own stories and identities for the unknown subjects.
The Baton Rouge Audubon Society is celebrating 50 years of preserving bird habitats and nature in the region. President Jane Patterson and wildlife photographer, naturalist and co-founder of the BR Audubon Society, CC Lockwood, tell us what the organization has accomplished in the last half century and how they’re marking the occasion.
Today’s episode of Louisiana Considered was hosted by Adam Vos. Our managing producer is Alana Schreiber; our contributing producers are Matt Bloom and Adam Vos; we receive production and technical support from Garrett Pittman and our assistant producer, Aubry Procell.
You can listen to Louisiana Considered Monday through Friday at 12:00 and 7:00 pm. It’s available on Spotify, Google Play, and wherever you get your podcasts.
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