After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans planned to spend $170 million redeveloping an old naval base in the Bywater. But that still hasn’t happened, and…
The City of New Orleans has revived a popular blight remediation program called the Lot Next Door. The New Orleans Redevelopment Authority starts taking…
“We’ve been having bad snakes and all kinds of different things going on," says Deborah Rogers. She’s a Bronson Street resident who is a victim of...
A New Orleans housing group is signing on to national complaints alleging the Bank of America is contributing to blight by letting foreclosed homes fall…
City officials are hoping to clear 1,200 lots of tall grass and trash in New Orleans in the next year, the Advocate reports.It’s part of the latest push…
This week, the city held public hearings about overhauling the citywide zoning code.Most people don't pay attention to zoning issues, but it has a direct…
A new series of highly visible art, preservation and reconstruction projects in New Orleans have popped up throughout New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina…
You see it in your neighborhood or on your way to work: an abandoned house or empty lot — a small piece of New Orleans which once belonged to someone, but…
New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu's office is touting its latest court victory in its efforts to improve blighted property in a neighborhood hard hit by…
The New Orleans Redevelopment Authority will auction 125 properties in several neighborhoods, including Lakeview, eastern New Orleans, Holy Cross,…