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The Reading Life: Imani Perry

Susan Larson talks with Imani Perry about her new book, BLACK IN BLUES: How a Color Tells the Story of My People.

Literary calendar:
Alexandra Davis presents “Rise and Shine, It’s Mardi Gras Time,” at a Mardi Gras story time, Saturday, February 1, at 11 a.m. Garden District Book Shop.

Blue Cypress Books presents a Celebration of Black Romance Writers! featuring Darby Baham, Farrah Rochon, A.H. Cunningham, and Scarlett Miller, Saturday, February 1, at 6 p.m at Blue Cypress Books.

Imani Perry presents her book, “Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People,” Tuesday, February 4 at Georges Auditorium, Dillard University, presented by Baldwin & Co. This is a ticketed event.

The Friends of the Jefferson Public Library will hold a General Meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 10 a.m. at the East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Avenue, in Metairie. The guest speaker will be Elisabet Trujillo, Nutrition and Community Health Agent, LSU AgCenter. She will speak about the importance of protein in the diet.

For more information, please call the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library at 504 455-2665 or e-mail friendsjpl@Yahoo.com.

Tia Williams discusses and signs “A Love Song for Ricki Wilde,” Thursday, February 6, at 6 p.m. at Baldwin & Co.

And coming up February 8:

The Friends of the Jefferson Public Library will sponsor a Warehouse Sale Saturday, February 8, from 9 a.m.to 2 p.m. The sale will be held in thehallway directly off the lobby at East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Avenue in Metairie. Boxes of books which will be sold and will include Cookbooks, Children's books (E and J, fiction and non-fiction) and regular fiction (paperback and hardback). Boxes are labeled as to what they contain (Children's, Fiction, or Cookbooks), and cannot be opened prior to purchasing. Payment may be made using cash or a credit card. For more information, please contact the Friends at 504 455-2665 or email FriendsJPL@Yahoo.com.

The Reading Life in 2010, Susan Larson was the book editor for The New Orleans Times-Picayune from 1988-2009. She has served on the boards of the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival and the New Orleans Public Library. She is the founder of the New Orleans chapter of the Women's National Book Association, which presents the annual Diana Pinckley Prizes for Crime Fiction.. In 2007, she received the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities lifetime achievement award for her contributions to the literary community. She is also the author of The Booklover's Guide to New Orleans. If you run into her in a local bookstore or library, she'll be happy to suggest something you should read. She thinks New Orleans is the best literary town in the world, and she reads about a book a day.