Jones has touted his experience in education. But a review by Verite News identified serious discrepancies in his resume.
Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School for Sci Tech, a K-12 school, has an F-letter grade from the state and is among the lowest-scoring public schools in New Orleans.
It’s the first time the district has moved to open a direct-run school after two decades of transitioning to an all-charter system.
Avis Williams told education reporter Aubri Juhasz about her accomplishments in Selma, Alabama and how she plans to lead New Orleans' unique all-charter public school system.
The board of New Orleans charter school group New Beginnings Schools Foundation has voted to surrender both of their remaining charters after a…
The first black high school in New Orleans, McDonogh 35, was a source of pride, until the chartering of the city’s schools after Hurricane Katrina…
New Orleans is on the verge of becoming the first city in the nation with no traditional public schools. Next school year, all New Orleans public schools…
As the city approaches the end of its tricentennial year, professors at the University of New Orleans and the University of Holy Cross are looking back on…
Enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year opened this week in New Orleans public schools. Parents apply for most schools through the One App, a website…
Financial mismanagement, ethics violations, problems serving students with disabilities - these are the reasons the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB)…