Nola DNA is a local preservation project centered around a massive archive of newspapers from over a hundred years ago. Writer and printmaker Joseph…
New Orleans is officially a one newspaper town - and it's The Times Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate. In May, the Advocate purchased its rival news…
The Advocate is Louisiana’s largest daily print newspaper, based in Baton Rouge. As of last week, it has a new owner.New Orleans businessman John Georges…
A new newspaper is being sold on the streets of New Orleans. It highlights the challenges of being homeless, and helps those trying to work their way into…
The Advocate (http://bit.ly/PSpdoe) newspaper says it will expand into the New Orleans market with a specialized print edition.Richard Manship, president…
New Orleans is set to become the largest metro area in America without a daily newspaper. The award-winning Times-Picayune is laying off half its news…
New Orleans has survived the Civil War, yellow fever, the Depression and a string of spectacular political shenanigans. But its award-winning newspaper –…
The Times-Picayune, New Orleans’ only daily newspaper, is announcing major cutbacks. The Pulitzer Prize-winning paper will be printed only three days a…