The federal government received 31 reports of oil and chemical spills that are connected to Hurricane Laura, according to the Environmental Protection…
Saturday is the nine-year anniversary of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Today, we take a look at how offshore drilling safety…
During the BP oil spill in 2010, responders used chemical dispersants to break up the oil. Recent studies have questioned both the safety and efficacy of…
This week on the Coastal News Roundup: officials investigate who or what might have been behind all the dead pelicans in Plaquemines and St. Bernard…
This week on the Coastal News Roundup: details on another big climate report, and the Coast Guard orders a stop to the longest-running oil spill in the…
It was eight years ago today that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up, spewing more than 160 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico over several…
This week on the roundup: a new study out of Tulane finds the Mississippi River can’t keep up with coastal land loss, an oil spill shuts down the river,…
Tallying the fallout of the recent flooding in South Louisiana may take weeks or months. Beyond property damage to homes and businesses, there are also…
Local, state and national agencies are responding to an oil-related incident in Jefferson Parish over the weekend.Pink sludge was found in the 17th Street…
The National Science Foundation will spend nearly half a million dollars to help a University of New Orleans chemistry professor study sunlight and oil…