This week on the Coastal News Roundup: WWNO’s Travis Lux talked with Tristan Baurick from Nola.com/The Times Picayune about hurricane season, deep-sea…
This week on the Coastal News Roundup, the state gets more money to figure out how to stop the invasive bug killing the coastal marsh. Plus, two state…
This week on the Coastal News Roundup: An update on the bug destroying the bird’s foot marsh, some research from the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and…
The state’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) wants feedback on its list of projects for the next year. Officials are holding a series…
An invasive insect plaguing the coast has killed thousands of acres of tall marsh grass that bind our fragile wetlands together. Coastal researchers worry…
Louisiana’s coast is disappearing for a few reasons: natural sinking of the land, saltwater intrusion, and sea level rise. Now there’s another threat: a…